Sunday 30 September 2012

The beginning of a harmless little Blog

Sooo... First post ever on my own blog !

My motivation for this ? I've always liked the idea of an open journal but never felt like creating one myself. I didn't know what to write about and nor did I know how all of this really worked.

...Until a good friend of mine told me something about him blogging and how easy and great it was.
After his report I suddenly felt the urge to create a blog myself and create a nice little place on the web
where I can be myself and write about whatever I want. Of course its not going to be random trash talk.

I will try to follow a certain pattern/topic but I can't tell by now. I think that most likely it will be about arts in general whether it'll be a small (photoshop) tutorial, an artwork of mine or to share my opinion on a certain topic. (Yeah I guess that's pretty much what blogs are ment for !:))

As someone who likes to take things as they come I can't tell form now how this whole thing will develop.
I just like the idea of a blog as sort of an open diary on which you can look back and remember the one or other. It also might help to get connected to some like-minded people ! Who knows !

I think this is it for now. Not much more to say !
Maybe one day I can come back to look at this post and remember how a great thing started :-)